
A Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help Victims Pursue Compensation

When a dog bite injury results in substantial medical expenses and future loss of earning potential, victims deserve fair compensation. An experienced dog bite lawyer can help victims pursue compensation through various channels.

An experienced dog bite attorney can stand up to the insurance company and fight to collect every penny you are entitled to. Read on to learn more about hiring the right dog bite lawyer. Contact Atlanta Dog Bite Lawyer now!

A dog bite can be a devastating injury. Not only can it cause a variety of physical trauma, but it can also leave you in financial peril. This is because your medical bills will continue to add up, and you may not be able to work as you did before the attack. It is important to have an experienced New York dog bite lawyer who understands the law and knows how to secure adequate compensation for you.

A qualified attorney will know which laws and damages apply in your case, including wrongful death, loss of income, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. A skilled dog bite lawyer will also know how to counter any defenses or counterclaims an at-fault party might make.

For instance, the owner of a vicious dog may try to argue that you are partially responsible for your injuries because they warned you about the dangers of their pet. This argument is known as comparative negligence or assumption of risk, and it is often successful. An experienced dog bite lawyer will know which arguments to counter, and how to prove them in court.

Another issue that might arise is the dog’s behavior after the bite. If the animal acts aggressively again in the future, you may need to file a lawsuit against its owner for negligent training or supervision. An experienced Virginia dog bite lawyer will be familiar with local county regulations regarding vicious dogs.

Finally, if the dog bite leads to a fatality, you may be eligible for a wrongful death claim. A Virginia dog bite lawyer will be knowledgeable in the state’s wrongful death laws, which allow family members to pursue a lawsuit for losses that result from the wrongful death of their loved one.

An experienced New York dog bite lawyer will be familiar with all of the above issues, and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries. A good lawyer will be able to navigate the legal system and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and will not rest until you have received what you deserve.


When a dog bites someone, it can leave them with serious injuries and expenses that may be expensive to pay off. Fortunately, the victim can pursue compensation from the dog’s owner. However, it’s important that the victim hire a Brooklyn dog bite lawyer who understands how much their case is worth and will be able to maximize their recovery. This involves evaluating several factors, including the severity of the injuries and their impact on the victim’s daily life.

The best way to find a dog bite lawyer is to get referrals from people who have experienced similar incidents. Ask your friends and family members for recommendations, and take note of their satisfaction level. You can also check online reviews to see how a particular attorney has performed in the past. While online reviews shouldn’t be the only factor you consider, they can give you a good idea of how well an attorney will perform in your case.

A successful dog bite claim requires the victim to prove that the animal was vicious and acted without justification or provocation. In addition, the victim must show that the dog’s owner knew that the animal might attack and did not take appropriate steps to control it. Some states impose strict liability for dog attacks, while others have laws that include a “one bite” rule.

Many dog bite victims are children, and while dogs usually love kids, they can become violent when they feel threatened or fearful. This is especially true if they are under stress or feeling threatened by other animals. If a child suffers a dog bite, it is important to contact a New York dog bite lawyer who understands these types of cases and will fight for the best possible outcome.

Even if the victim is a child, they must not assume that their medical bills will be covered by the dog’s owner. It is possible that the damages they incur will be significant and may not be covered by any insurance policy that the dog’s owner has. If this is the case, the victim can make a wrongful death claim on behalf of their family member.


Dogs can be wonderful companions, but their owners have a responsibility to ensure that they are safe around people. When this is not done, people can be seriously injured. This includes children who are more prone to dog bites. Injuries from these attacks can be devastating, and the financial burden that they place on victims is significant. They can be expected to have medical expenses that will continue into the future, as well as loss of wages due to their inability to work.

In addition, many injuries from dog bites require extensive and costly surgeries to recover from. In some cases, they can lead to permanent damage such as scarring or even amputation. The cost of these treatments and the inability to work can add up very quickly, leaving many families struggling financially. A good dog bite lawyer can help victims recover the compensation they deserve for all of the damages resulting from their injuries.

An experienced attorney can also be very effective in negotiations with insurance companies. These attorneys are skilled negotiators and will not be afraid to go to trial to ensure that their clients receive all of the compensation they are entitled to.

The first step in pursuing compensation for your injury is to submit a detailed claim to the dog’s owner’s insurance company. This should include all pertinent information about the attack, including its location and circumstances. It should also contain a full account of your injuries, including the severity and extent of any lasting damage that you may experience as a result of the incident.

In New York, dog owners are held liable for injuries caused by their dogs under a combination of strict liability and negligence. Strict liability is based on the idea that an owner should have known that their dog was dangerous, while negligence involves the failure to take reasonable precautions to keep others safe.

Hiring an attorney is not an easy task for many people, but it is important to hire someone with the right skills and experience. A reputable Long Island dog bite attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and other losses related to the attack.


Dog bites and attacks are far more common than many people realize, and they can result in devastating injuries, including disfigurement, scarring, physical pain, emotional trauma, financial losses, and loss of enjoyment of life. These types of injuries also have long-term consequences, as victims may be unable to return to work or suffer from lasting physical limitations and disabilities.

A dog bite victim can recover compensation for these losses by pursuing a claim against the dog owner under their homeowners insurance policy. This policy can help pay for the medical treatment and other expenses related to the attack, including lost income. It can also provide compensation for other damages, such as wrongful death, loss of companionship, and pain and suffering.

However, the claims process for these claims can be complicated. Insurance companies are profit-driven entities, and they often try to deny or minimize payouts in personal injury cases. They may also employ tactics to delay the investigation and weaken the victim’s resolve to pursue a claim. This is why it is important for a dog bite victim to have the support of an experienced attorney.

An experienced dog bite lawyer, like the attorneys at Shaevitz & Shaevitz, can level the playing field against these insurance-related obstacles. The lawyers have a thorough understanding of the tactics used by insurance companies and can help clients navigate the claims process.

In order to pursue a successful claim, the victim must prove that the dog owner was negligent in handling their pet or allowing it to escape from their property. They must also demonstrate that the dog was a known danger and that the dog owner knew or should have known of the dog’s propensity for aggression.

In addition, the dog owner must have insurance coverage that covers the full cost of the victim’s injuries. The maximum amount that can be recovered depends on several factors, including the severity of the injuries and the extent to which they affect the victim’s quality of life. Injuries that require extensive hospitalization, surgery, and rehabilitation typically result in higher compensation, as do permanent injuries and disfigurement.